School enrollment 2023:
If you are a child or have a child aged 6 years and over and not attending school, please send an email to: [email protected] with your registration number and your phone number or contact our partner in charge of education “AFAD”
AFAD contact details:
- Address: 94 Didouche Mourad 2ème étage, Alger Centre
- Phone number: 0773218541 / 0773600508
What is the DAFI scholarship programme?
DAFI is a UNHCR scholarship for undergraduate refugee students in Algeria, that covers costs ranging from registration fees to teaching materials, food, transportation or accommodation, to support the academic results of refugee students and the development of their skills. DAFI students also receive additional support in the form of close supervision, preparatory courses and language courses based on their needs, as well as psychosocial support and tutoring opportunities.
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
- To be a refugee or asylum-seeker, in Algeria under the UNHCR mandate.
- Be 18 to 28 years of age at the deposits closing date.
- Have an excellent school career and good academic performance.
- Never have received a DAFI scholarship before.
- To be in need of financial assistance to continue studies.
- Contribute positively to the spirit of the community.
Eligibility conditions:
- Have a Baccalaureate degree.
- Be enrolled in a university or a public higher education institute in Algeria.
Applications normally open in August every year. Please refer to this page for the application. If you have questions about the DAFI program in Algeria, send us an email at: [email protected]
Are you a refugee striving for higher education?
You can access the UNHCR platform Scholarship Opportunities for Refugees, that helps you to find accredited higher education academic or scholarship programmes verified by UNHCR to allow you to pursue advanced study, skills and professional development.